Learn how top people leaders build exceptional workplace cultures

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The Business Culture Breakfasts showcase organisations who articulate the value of joining up the brand experience both externally and internally

Business Culture Awards

Get inspired and take away practical insights from investment management company Charles Stanley, marketing agency Revium Group and housing association RHP at the first Business Culture Breakfast next week.

Charles Stanley group HR director Kate Griffiths-Lambeth will show how business transformation was achieved through employee-led change, Revium Group people director Brett Davies will share how to increase engagement and boost communication across a rapidly expanding workforce while RHP head of communications and engagement Chloe Marsh, and head of HR Pauline Geldard, will demonstrate how cultural change programme, ‘Iamrhp’, enabled innovation and performance.

The five Business Culture events provide an opportunity to network with other HR and business leaders seeking to advance their people strategies in a high-energy and collaborative environment. They showcase winners of the 2017 Business Culture Awards and presenters will share the business challenges they have faced and how they created award-winning cultures within their organisations.

“Business culture underpins how engaged and productive your colleagues are on a daily basis, and whether they choose to stay with you over your competitors,” says Business Culture Awards chair of judges Tim Pointer.

“It’s one of the top drivers for the best talent to join you. It’s the differentiator in how you deliver your service or products to your customers. The value in aligning the brand you portray externally with the internal day-to-day experience of your employees, is substantial, as repeatedly demonstrated by winning organisations.”

As media partner of the awards, ThePeopleSpace is delighted to invite senior HR practitioners to attend the events. For more information on the events and speakers, or to register your interest in applying for the 2018 awards, please click here.



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