An audience with influential thinker Richard Boyatzis to learn about coaching with compassion

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Richard Boyatzis The People Space event

Richard Boyatzis The People Space event

Helping others develop and grow is central to working life – and very often social life too – but even the most well-intentioned attempts can be undermined by a simple truth: We almost always focus on "fixing" people. This doesn't inspire sustained learning or positive change. Even when a person does respond, they often do so out of obligation rather than inner motivation. This approach is called “coaching for compliance”.

Richard Boyatzis, an expert on emotional intelligence and bestselling author, and his colleagues at Case Western University, Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten, have uncovered a more effective approach.

Based on 39 longitudinal behaviour change studies of adults, 3 fMRI studies and 2 hormonal studies, they show that “fixing” is not the way to help someone learn and change. Instead, we must connect to that person's positive vision of themselves or an inspiring dream or goal they've long held or based on a caring, resonant relationship.

This is what great coaches do – they know that people draw energy from their visions and dreams, and that same energy sustains their efforts to change, even through difficult times. In contrast, problem-centred approaches trigger physiological responses that make a person defensive and less open to new ideas.

The People Space, in partnership with Open University Business School, Shoosmiths and Black Isle Group, is delighted to welcome Richard to London on the evening of 26 November to discuss his research and ideas. His distinctively positive mode of coaching – what he calls "coaching with compassion" – opens people up to thinking creatively and helps them to learn and grow in meaningful and sustainable ways. He will use this approach with participants during the event. These ideas are brought together in his new book HELPING PEOPLE CHANGE, which will be available for each guest at the event.

This event is invitation only. To find out more information and register your interest in attending, please contact Siân Harrington at The People Space. Please note, places are limited.

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